Friday 6 January 2017

SFTY330module 5.6 assignment latest

For your first required written project you assessed the NTSB Accident Report in terms of human factor errors by using the HFAC model and wrote a case study that identifies several key human factor failures and explains how each human factor in the accident may have contributed to another failure that ultimately created an error chain. Your paper should be a well-written APA formatted report, 4-5 pages in length, plus a title page and abstract page and follow the guidelines provided in theProject Room.


Grading is based on proper APA style, format and language and the ability to clearly illustrate the error sequence within the accident profile. Review the information on this assignment in the Project Room and verify your paper addresses all of the project requirements. Your instructor will evaluate your project using the evaluation rubric linked in the Project Room. Your project is worth 15% of your final grade.


Upon submission, your work will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin (Links to an external site.), a plagiarism detection tool. Your paper will be checked against a database of millions of written works and provide feedback on originality. You may view your originality report; however, you will not be permitted to submit your paper a second time. Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources!
Before submitting your assignment, save your file using the following naming convention: lastname_HFProject (e.g., lindbergh_HFProject.docx) and submit your document using the Submit Assignment link to the upper right.

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