Friday 6 January 2017

SFTY330(all discussions+mod. 5.6 assignment)

1313 unread replies.7979 replies.
I. Answer the following, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post, in this discussion forum.
  • Explain the concept that the NTSB is “independent.” Thence, define the scope and purpose of the Party System.
II. Vague, short answers absent of detailed qualifications will not be accepted. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective on the question, but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF) also accessible under Resources.
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply, evaluating at least one other student’s post. Discussions are worth 15% of your final grade.

SFTY330 module 2.6 discussion latest 2016 may

2.6 – Discussion: Pilot Error and Crash Lab Observations

5555 unread replies.7575 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forum, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  1. Pilot Error: Does the phrase “pilot error” really tell us anything about accidents? Is this a cause or a blame issue? What are the elements that define an “error” which might be important to the investigator?
  2. Crash Lab Observations: What were the weather conditions during the approach to landing and did the flight profile seem normal?
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.
 SFTY330 module 3.5 discussion latest 2016 may

3.5 – Discussion: Organizational Culture and Crash Lab

7272 unread replies.7676 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forum, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  1. Culture: Can management or organizational culture actually cause a mishap? If this is true, then provide examples of “paper trails” an investigator would need to examine that would support this alleged causation or influence to an accident.
  2. Crash Lab Observations: Was the accident site consolidated into a localized area and were all the parts of the plane there, as best as you can tell? It may help to include a brief introduction of your work.
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

SFTY330 module 4.4 discussion latest 2016 may

4.4 – Discussion: Fire Sources

2121 unread replies.7171 replies.
I. Answer the following question, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  • Can you think of various fire sources (other than fuel related) that may be of investigative concern? Provide an example.
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

SFTY330 module 5.5 discussion latest 2016 may

5.5 – Discussion: Turbines and Crash Lab

7676 unread replies.7979 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forum, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  1. Turbines: What is meant in the Air Detective Tip by, “Turbines have a memory?” How does that relate to an investigation?
  2. Crash Lab Observations: What was the purpose and importance of the witness interviews and based on your readings, were these interviews helpful?
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

 SFTY330 module 6.4 discussion latest 2016 may

6.4 – Discussion: Structural Failure and Crash Lab

3030 unread replies.7979 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forum, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post
  1. Structural Fatigue: Structural fatigue can be associated with pilot induced overload, but can you think of other factors that have induced a failure in the structure of an aircraft?
  2. Crash Lab Observations: Did you detect any obvious failure modes or conditions that may have affected the flight?
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

SFTY330 module 7.5 discussion latest 2016 may

7.5 – Discussion: GA Aircraft and Crash Lab

5151 unread replies.6060 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forum, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  1. Data Recorders: Consider that many general aviation aircraft now have glass cockpits with no impact resistant data recorders. Should personal use aircraft be required to have some form of flight data recorders?
  2. Crash Lab Observations: What does CREEP stand for and did you detect any obvious signatures revealing issues with survivability?
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

SFTY330 module 8.7 discussion latest 2016 may

8.7 – Discussion: NTSB Report on Icing Accident and Crash Lab

2323 unread replies.5959 replies.
I. Answer the following questions in this discussion forums, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post.
  1. Icing Accident: Opine to the major issue in the Roselawn, IN. (NTSB AAR-9601) icing accident. Was it the unique ice, crew issue, or an aircraft design flaw? Did the aircraft manufacturer (BEA) agree with this report? Do you agree with the recommendations? In this case, references are not required.
  2. Crash Lab Observations: Based on what you have seen can you establish any causation? Do you see any similarities between the accident simulation and another accident discussed in this course?
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with references. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences, etc. may be used to enhance your perspective to the question but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

SFTY330 module 9.1 discussion latest 2016 may

9.1 – Discussion: Accident Investigation

4949 unread replies.6363 replies.
I. Answer the following question, along with any additional questions your Instructor may post in this forum.
Accident Investigation: Explain how aircraft accident investigation is both a reactive and yet proactive process.
II. A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the Discussion RubricPreview the documentView in a new window(PDF).
III. Read the posts of your classmates and reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting.

 SFTY330 module 5.6 assignment latest 2016 may

Graded Assignment

For your first required written project you assessed the NTSB Accident Report in terms of human factor errors by using the HFAC model and wrote a case study that identifies several key human factor failures and explains how each human factor in the accident may have contributed to another failure that ultimately created an error chain. Your paper should be a well-written APA formatted report, 4-5 pages in length, plus a title page and abstract page and follow the guidelines provided in theProject Room.


Grading is based on proper APA style, format and language and the ability to clearly illustrate the error sequence within the accident profile. Review the information on this assignment in the Project Room and verify your paper addresses all of the project requirements. Your instructor will evaluate your project using the evaluation rubric linked in the Project Room. Your project is worth 15% of your final grade.


Upon submission, your work will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin (Links to an external site.), a plagiarism detection tool. Your paper will be checked against a database of millions of written works and provide feedback on originality. You may view your originality report; however, you will not be permitted to submit your paper a second time. Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources!
Before submitting your assignment, save your file using the following naming convention: lastname_HFProject (e.g., lindbergh_HFProject.docx) and submit your document using the Submit Assignment link to the upper right.

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